
Thursday, August 20, 2015

DIY Sister Canvas

I'm back!

Sorry about sucking at this whole blogging thing lately. I always think I'll have more time during the summer, which is never the case! I go back to school next Tuesday to start my senior year in college! I'm going to try to keep posting once a week, but we all know how I am at keeping promises!

I've been trying a ton of new Avon products and I think I might post some reviews for you all in the near future! Let me know what kinds of things you want to see in the future!

Today I'm going to show you all how to make this super cute sister canvas! I made this almost a year ago for one of my coworkers' baby shower. I wanted to make something for both big sister and little sister and when I saw a canvas like this on Pinterest I thought it was perfect!

This was my inspiration. It's been so long that I have no idea who to credit!

What you need:
  • Assorted paint brushes (I got mine at Wal-Mart a while back)
  • Sponge (Also from Wal-Mart)
  • Canvas (Wal-Mart)
  • Loose Glitter (Wal-Mart)
  • Black Acrylic Paint
  • Light Pink Acrylic Paint
  • Mod Podge

First, paint your entire canvas with your sponge brush. 

Paint the edges with a larger paint brush and wait for them to dry.

Once the canvas is dry, paint your words on! How you paint the words is totally up to your personal preference!

Once your quote has dried, sketch out your princess crown. I just googled 'princess crown' or something like that and found one I liked to copy. 

Take a small paint brush and cover your sketched lines with Mod Podge. Make sure to put a TON on there. And when I say a ton I mean it! If you don't put a lot it will dry out before you get the glitter on.

Once you've covered the whole crown with glue, pour glitter over it. You will want to use something to press down on it. I use the top to my glitter container.

Let it sit for 5-10 minutes then dump the excess glitter off into the trash can or onto some newspaper so you can reuse it!

This is what my crown looked like when I was finished:

Here is the finished product!

Tell me what you think!

Shop with me: Avon and Storenvy

Follow me on: Pinterest and tumblr

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