
Thursday, December 17, 2015

30 Days of DIY: Manicure Gift Set

Day 23:

Hey guys...

I feel ashamed. I have sucked at this 30 days of DIY series...I hope you understand since I've had so much going on lately, but at least I'm still posting 30 DIYs, right?

Enough rambling and on to today's DIY!

This is a gift I put together for our secret Santa at work. So hopefully my person doesn't look at this until after the big reveal! I just won't share the post until then!

This is super easy and everything is from the Dollar Tree! How cool is that??

Just gather up some different manicure items. I thought this little manicure set was super cute! I also got a pumice stone and some blue nail polish, because blue is this persons favorite color!

The red thing that I use to put everything in is actually a candle holder! I thought it was super cute and the person can reuse it in their home!

This whole thing cost me $4 and is a great last minute gift idea!

Let me know what you think!

Recreations? #countryclassdiy

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